Area of cover

You will not be covered if you travel outside the area you have chosen, as shown on your e-mail confirmation.


    UK, Continental Europe, Mediterranean Islands, the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Madeira, Canary Islands, the Azores, the Republic of Ireland, Iceland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia.

Worldwide (excluding USA) Worldwide (including USA)

When the following words and phrases appear in the policy document or booking confirmation, they have the meaning given below. These words appear in bold print.

Business associate

Anyone you work closely with, and whose unexpected absence from work means that a senior manager or director for your business needs you to cancel or cut short your journey.


Two adults who have been permanently living together at the same address for more than six months and who will be travelling together. Cover will not apply unless both persons are booked to travel together.


A legally qualified doctor who holds the necessary certification in the country they are currently practising in, other than you or a relative.

Excess, excesses

The deduction we will make for the amount otherwise payable under this policy for each person insured, for each section, for each claim incident. For example a couple that both have personal possessions stolen from their bag and both incur a medical expense during the same journey, will have a total of four excesses deducted. Two of these will be for the two claims under section 5 (possessions) and two of these will be for the two claims under section 2 (medical).


Two adults and all of their children (including foster children) aged 17 and under if in full time education. All persons must live at the same address. Each adult can travel independently, however, all insured children must travel with at least one of the insured adults.).

Note: If you are divorced or separated and your children do not live permanently with you they can still be covered under this policy.


Your usual place of residence in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.



A trip that takes place during the period of insurance which begins when you leave home and ends when you get back home or to a hospital or nursing home in your home country, whichever is earlier.
* For single trip cover:
- you will only be covered if you are aged 64 or under at the date your policy was issued. - any other trip which begins after you get back is not covered. - a trip which is booked to last longer than 180 days is not covered. - you will only be covered for taking part in winter sports activities when the extra premium has been paid and this is shown on your insurance confirmation email.
* For backpacker cover:
- you will only be covered if you are aged 64 or under at the date your policy was issued. - any other trip which begins after you get back is not covered. - a trip which is booked to last longer than 180 days is not covered. - you will only be covered for taking part in winter sports activities when the extra premium has been paid and this is shown on your insurance confirmation email

Period of insurance

* For single trip and backpacker cover
Cancellation cover begins from the issue date shown on your insurance confirmation email and ends at the beginning of your journey. The cover for all other sections starts at the beginning of your journey and finishes at the end of your journey.
* For annual multi-trip cover
Cancellation cover begins on the start date shown on your insurance confirmation email or the date you booked your journey, whichever is the later and ends at the beginning of your journey. The cover for all other sections starts at the beginning of your journey and finishes at the end of your journey.
* For single trip, backpacker and annual multi-trip cover
All cover ends on the expiry date shown on your insurance confirmation email, unless you cannot finish your journey as planned because of death, injury or illness or there is a delay to the public transport system that cannot be avoided. In these circumstances, we will extend cover free of charge until you can reasonably finish that


A person who has their main home and is registered with a doctor in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man and has not spent more than six months abroad during the year before the policy was issued.

Travelling companion

Any person that has booked travel with you on your journey.

We, our, us

Allianz Global Assistance who administer the insurance on behalf of the insurer.

You, your, yourself, insured person

Each person shown on your e-mail confirmation, who the appropriate insurance premium has been paid for.

ALLIANZ Travel Pack - Page 25 ALLIANZ Travel Pack Page 24